A-List Comedians Embrace Yet Another Nazi
These people have completely lost it.

This week Theo Von sat down for a two-hour conversation with the far-right commentator, Holocaust denier, anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist, anti-trans activist, and all-around Nazi Candace Owens. If you are so blessed as to be unfamiliar with her work, a few excerpts from a March 2024 Media Matters report following her ouster from the Daily Wire, the Nazi rag she was too much of a Nazi for:
She has also repeatedly attacked Jewish people in recent months — suggesting that there is a Jewish “gang” in Hollywood committing “horrific things,” warning that “Jews are going to be blamed” if TikTok is banned, and railing against “D.C. Jew[s]” and a “rot” in the Jewish community. Owens also “liked” a post on X (formerly Twitter) that asked a rabbi she has been feuding with whether he is “drunk on Christian blood again.”
Owens has a history of pushing anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and conspiracy theories, including on her Daily Wire show. She has previously made outlandish claims like saying that Hollywood “was created by the CIA” and compared vaccine outreach programs to “a child predator” and “Hitler youth programs.” Owens has also attacked LGBTQ people, including in one instance where she made the claim that “there are freaks, predators, and pedophiles that are all hiding under the LGBT flag.”
As Media Matters has documented, Owens has also said that “women are being socially engineered to hate men and men are being socially engineered to be gay,” that the existence of trans people is “a cancer” and “worse than Jim Crow laws,” that “Police brutality is not an issue that is facing the black community whatsoever,” that “society would be safer we discriminated more,” and that “Black Americans are the most murderous group in America.” More recently, she has dedicated herself to the baseless conspiracy theory that Brigitte Macron, wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, is secretly trans and perhaps even her husband’s father—but more on that in a bit.
In her conversation with Von, released yesterday, she mostly refracted her antisemitism through superficially legitimate criticism of Israel and its genocide in Gaza. Emphasis on mostly—at one point she did make a passing remark about “our preconditioned beliefs about the Holocaust.” Von, unfortunately, is not quite so media savvy, and couldn’t help himself from slipping into his own commentary about how industrious Jewish people are, which Owens was happy to affirm:
Owens: I don't hate anybody. I just hate liars. And they come in all different shapes and sizes and races and religions. You can find you a liar anywhere.
Von: Yeah. Well I do think—because there's also a lot of great things that I see. In a lot of Jewish families, they value education, they invest in their children. Those are some of the things that they do super well. They work together. Like a lot of Jewish guys that I know, they'll connect you with another Jewish guy to work with or something. They help their group. And that's something that I feel like other groups could learn how to do as well. That's something that I think a lot of people—
Owens: I learned my work ethic I got from two Jewish men. I worked in private equity for four and a half years.
Von: Oh really?
Owens: Yeah.
Von: In municipal bonds? I just got into some.
Owens: Not in municipal bonds. Private equity.
Von: It's going pretty—what do you mean it's going good, it's a set percent. [Ed. note: sorry, this is too funny to skip over.]
Owens: Yeah. But they pretty much, you can't live in New York City and hate Jews. They're literally everywhere. But that's kind of been one of the worst things about the politicizing of this is exactly what you're talking about. My perception of Jewish people is having, being someone who grew up in New York, but they work hard, they grind, they fight, they love, you can get into an argument with them. They don't take themselves seriously. Can say whatever and then be out to dinner and to see the branding of that. Now, this victim mentality, I don't recognize this. This whiny—
Von: What do you mean, victim mentality?
Owens: Well now whenever things become political, it becomes like the DC version. And this is why I also hated the BLM, because Black people are very funny, have a good sense of humor. You can always just make a joke. And that's what our culture is. And then BLM turned Black people into victims. Like, "racism's everywhere, and it's in the way that that person's braiding their hair, it's the form of whatever they're learning in school." Weird terms, "cultural appropriation." And I'm like, it turned us into wimps. This was our cool thing, was we were funny and we could take a joke and mock people for being white, redneck, Chinese. That's the cool thing. And when you remove that and then suddenly it's like hysteria and you're like, "I'm a victim, and everybody's—" It's like, you're not funny anymore. You suck. And I hate you because you suck, not because of your race.
Not good! And believe it or not, the news gets worse. Over in Austin, podcaster and husband-wife duo Tom Segura and Christina Pazsitzky have lately been gushing over Owens, in particular her transvestigation into Brigitte Macron. (As you may recall, Segura and Pazsitzky are completely deranged transphobes.) Here’s Pazsitzky in an episode released last month:
Pazsitzky: Candace Owens, I love you girl. Candace, come on Your Mom’s House. You need to explain this, what I'm about to tell my husband. It is so good. You guys have to go to her website, candaceowens.com to see this stuff. Or her YouTube. She's staking her career on the fact that Brigitte Macron—allegedly—Candace Owens is saying that Brigitte Macron, the first lady of France, is actually a man. Actually a dude.
Segura: Come on.
Pazsitzky: I know. It's crazy. And she's got a ton of evidence. And this Poulard guy [Xavier Poussard], who wrote a book, I bought the book. I'm all into it, Candace. I would love for you to come on and explain this to the world.
Segura: You're so into this story.
Pazsitzky: I sound insane. I've been into it for like a month now. Every day I'm like, "Holy shit, dude. Brigitte Macron is a dude, bro! Is a dude!
Segura: Let's bull up Brigitte Macron.
Pazsitzky: So here's what I—oh, we talked about this already on this show. Sorry, yes. But so the series is called Becoming Brigitte, and she goes through their genealogy of the family and how these two meet. And by the way, there's all these stories that Macron meets Brigitte when he is 17 and she's 36. First of all, that's not true. They're saying that he was 14 and she was what, in her 40s or something?
Segura: Thirty-nine.
Pazsitzky: Thirty-nine. And that's when they hooked up. And there's a whole ton of evidence. You guys have to get into every detail, because it's fascinating, that there's no photographs allegedly of this Brigitte Macron for 30 years. Thirty years, no photographs. Okay. She just, she's born. Okay, so then there's three photographs that they put out of her. This is supposedly her at her wedding. Well, they do these AI analysis now of photographs, the kind that the Chinese use or whatever. And the AI is like, that ain't Brigitte Macron. And that guy is actually her. I don't know, uncle.
That was just a few weeks ago. In an episode released yesterday, Segura and Pazsitzky announced that they’re in the process of scheduling an interview with Owens to discuss her bombshell investigation:
Segura: We did make some—I don’t know if you want to say it or not, but we made a little bit of progress in your investigation of Brigitte Macron.
Pazsitzky: Yes.
Segura: And do you want to say that we reached out?
Pazsitzky: You say it.
Segura: Well, we reached out—
Pazsitzky: To Brigitte? Just kidding. To Candace Owens!
Segura: Who you said is the leader in this story.
Pazsitzky: Of course. This is Candace Owens' big moment right now. She has exposed Brigitte Macron. And as you know, Candace is pregnant right now, so I think flying in might not be doable for her. But we are arranging a Zoom interview so she can fill us in on this Brigitte Macron thing. And I'm telling you, the Macrons are panicking. They're sending her a hundred letter threats and all this. It is real. And none of them being like, "Hey, Brigitte is a woman. Stop saying that."
Segura: Yeah.
Pazsitzky:"That's not true." They're not even trying to call her out on that.
Segura: No.
Pazsitzky: It's very exciting stuff.
Segura: So we'll find out what the real story is here.
Pazsitzky: Yeah, it's huge.
Segura: It's huge. So hopefully we'll get the full story soon.
Pazsitzky: I can't wait.
What can I even say? These people have completely lost it.