An Incomplete Record of Things Netflix’s Tim Dillon Has Said About Trans People, Andrew Tate, and Immigration

For posterity.

An Incomplete Record of Things Netflix’s Tim Dillon Has Said About Trans People, Andrew Tate, and Immigration
Image via Tim Dillon/YouTube

In his new Netflix special, Tim Dillon: This is Your Country, the podcaster Tim Dillon wisely steers clear (mostly) of some of his favorite topics. Released last week, the hour—well, the 47 minutes—is a sort of riff on daytime talk shows in which Dillon mediates disputes between so-called everyday Americans: the YouTuber mad at his cousin and former creative partner’s success on OnlyFans, the guy whose girlfriend doesn’t know about his success on OnlyFans, the husband confessing to his wife that he lost $200,000 on NFTs, you get the drift. 

Watching it, you get the impression that Dillon is your average cynical-but-otherwise-harmless social commentator with a knack for channeling the frustrations of his audience, the average man. Unless you’re already familiar with his podcast, you would have no idea that he’s one of American comedy’s most popular extremists, a demagogue on par with Rush Limbaugh or Alex Jones, and a man who frequently uses his work both to demonize vulnerable people—like trans people and immigrants—and to promote various grifters and conspiracists to whom he seems irrepressibly drawn, like Jones (his friend and frequent guest) and the alleged human trafficker Andrew Tate. 

I have written about Dillon many times in this newsletter. I think he’s a dangerous figure, and I think his success represents the dark turn comedy has taken over the last ten years or so. The cohort he’s a part of, which includes Joe Rogan and Shane Gillis, routinely blasts out straightforward hate speech to millions of people. They have helped mainstream transphobia, racism, and anti-immigrant sentiments, creating a space for comedians to traffic in these ideologies without suffering any social or professional consequence. Under their influence, comedy as an art form and an industry has become a powerful, under-appreciated vector for hate. 

This post is something I’ve been meaning to assemble for a long time: an incomplete compilation of disturbing and/or straightforwardly bigoted things Tim Dillon has said on his podcast (and, in one case, on Rogan’s). It’s a long post; I hardly expect anyone to read it all, but I believe there should be a record of these things, just as there should be a record of what Rogan and other podcasters use their platforms for. Hopefully someone out there might find some value in it.

The excerpts below are presented without comment and arranged into three topics: Dillon’s opinions about trans people, his misogyny-laden defenses of Andrew Tate, and his thoughts about immigration. For the most part I’ve avoided cleaning up the transcripts as I usually do, so false starts and other instances of inelegant speech are mostly preserved; if you come across any obvious mis-transcriptions, though, do let me know. Thanks as always for reading.

On Trans People:

Coco Melon Death Chamber - September 7, 2024 (Patreon-only)

Producer: According to this article, they thought Joker 2 paid you a lot of money too. 
Dillon: The Joker paid me nothing. I don't even know if I'm in it. 
Producer: Well, no, you are in it—you are—you’re in it. 
Dillon: But do I talk? If I don't talk, I'm not in it, right? Like if I'm not speaking, I'm not in the movie. If I'm just a guard where people just look at me, I'm going to lose my—I will attack him physically in Bristol Farms. 
Producer: Todd Phillips?
Dillon: Probably. I don't give a shit about him. I don't give a about any of these—I'm telling you right now, I'll attack him with like three tr—ies. He can't even say anything. He could not even be able to report. Like if three tr—ies attacked him in Bristol Farms with me, he couldn't say anything. I'll go down to West Hollywood right now. I'll get some of my $12 million and then hire three tr—ies, go jump Todd Phillips in Erewhon, stomp him out. Three big tr—ies, kill him. We'll kill him.

Trans Enforcers - January 3, 2024 (Patreon only)

What's Lia Thomas even doing? She's probably a man again. She probably went back to being a man. That's a thing, by the way. We're fighting over these tr—ies long after they go back to being men, some of these transgender people literally go back to the other gender. We're still yelling about them. What, is this her? Is she, I don't like this red hair on her. I'm telling you right now, this whole freak out about the tr—ies is because no one's trying. These tr—ies, it's like me in a gym. It's like, who's trying here? No one's trying. Is this trying? Is this trying? I could look like more of a woman than half of these people. They're not trying. You can't not try in life. You can't just loaf around. You're asking people to believe you're the other gender. That's tough. That's a hard thing for people to believe. You gotta give it the college try. Literally the college try. You can't walk around looking like a dude. If you want people to think you're a chick, it's pretty simple.
We got people used to gay people because they were in shape. In the beginning. We didn't with fatty boom-batties. You can't lead, you gotta lead with hot. And I say that term because they say it and it's affectionate. You know. But I mean, that's the reality. Like, you can't, you can't just have a bunch of gross people lecturing everybody. It's not aspirational. Everything has to be aspirational. You have to wanna the person who's talking to you, or you have to at least in the back of your mind go, what would that be like? You have to have some affinity for what they represent. So a hot tr—y is going to carry the message better than a lot of these messes. Who is electing the messes to come out and be the face of this? Don't delete me, Patreon.
Why don't we put the tr—ies into fucking Gilbert? Let them fuck up these kids. Tr—ies should kill these Mormon killers. Like a bunch of Lia Thomas, crazy big-bone, broad-shoulder tr—ies just beating the out shit of these Mormon thugs. Yes or yes. That's what it should be. Lia Thomas, just fucking them up. Trans enforcers. 
They come in when things need to—that's the other thing. No, it's true. If these tr—ies are gonna stay dudes, they gotta kick ass when need be. Put a bunch of Lia Thomases down at the border and fuck those people up coming in here from Honduras. This will be, ironically, our last episode on this. They'll be like, we actually have decided to pull the chain here. But think about it. You want Republicans to get on board with this, have Lia Thomas open-hand smacking little El Salvadorians and shit that are running across the border. Someone needs to fight for the sanctity of the country. Somebody needs to fight for the territorial integrity of our country. Why not it be masculine tr—ies who we’re upset that they're fucking up all the college sports records? Put 'em on the border. Let 'em fight people from Central America.
All problems solved. All problems solved. Let 'em go into Gilbert, Arizona and let 'em start kicking people in the face. Let 'em fight the Mormons. Let a gang of masculine tr—ies, I’m talking women with beards, like all the crazy TikTok shit. Let 'em loose. Let 'em loose. Give 'em drugs and let 'em loose in these gated communities. And that's the way to rein the Mormons in. Tell 'em this is how it's gonna be. This is how it's gonna be. If you let your kids be gangs, we will release gangs of tr—ies on you. That's the United States now. That's what it is. You don't like it? Well, no one fucking asked you. You didn't like when we shipped your job to Pakistan. And you might not like this, but you'll see the value in it just like globalization. You'll go, well, I get an $8 shirt now and tr—ies stomp out the Salvadorians trying to come in.
These are the solutions. These are the solutions to the problems. Masculine trans women should be more violent against the enemies of our country. Sorry. Sorry, everyone. No, they shouldn't be reading to kids in the library. They should be stopping people's that come in here illegally. Yes. That's what they should be doing. Nobody's mad at Lia Thomas if she's fucking people up at the border. No one. You're like fuck yeah. Lia Thomas down at the border, just throwing haymakers in the migrant maravan is a, is a American hero.
I'm telling you right now, there's gonna be a movement to the right. Trans people are gonna go right. The far left—a lot of feminists, radfems are going to Islam. They're gonna start talking about Islam. Some of the incels are going to Islam. Some of the radfems are going to Islam. And by the way, this is all like, not to be the hack Tim Dillon how the world ends, but we got some of the incels to Islam, some of the radfems to Islam, some of the tr—ies are gonna go right. You know? 
Because that's the thing about tr—ies, I think they kind of do love America down deep. Not the ones you see on TikTok, but there's a lot of—because if, think about it, if you're a trans person and you were able to actually do it, you kind of love America. I know a lot of patriotic trans people who were like, listen man, I was able to cut my dick off and make myself a pussy. This is not the worst country in the world.
And I think those people pick up guns and defend this country. Some of them, not all of them, but it's an actual, it's an actual possibility. And it's an interesting thought exercise to see how this all gets scrambled in 2024. How's it all gonna get scrambled? Who's gonna go where? Blacks are, some of them are gonna go to Trump. A lot of Hispanics are gonna go to Trump. Trans people might go a little right. 

How To Help - June 30, 2023

If people are gonna be trans, they'll be trans. If people are gonna be gay, they're gonna be gay. I didn't need anyone to tell me to be gay. You shouldn't be persecuted for being gay or trans clearly. But you don't need, when you are five, you don't need people necessarily steering you in a direction.
You should just be able to be a kid and kind of be left alone. And there's too much about the gender ideology stuff going on right now that it like has to be introduced to kids at this young age and, and no one knows why. People that are my age, gay people that are my age, none of us understand—really, the most of us do not understand why we're telling seven year olds that they have the agency to physically change their bodies and pick a gender at this point. They should dress the way they want. They can live the way they want. If they have a severe case of gender dysphoria and they're happy living as the other gender. I have no issue with that at all.
My issue is when pharmaceutical companies, when people make medical changes to themselves, I’ve said it a million times, but that's why you see the backlash now, which is a bit insane from people that are, they're acting like everybody's trying to fuck their kids. Which it's not, everyone's not trying to fuck your kids, but there are bad ideas. You know being introduced. I don't mean transgenderism necessarily as the bad idea. I mean the bad idea of children knowing exactly who they are at seven or nine and being able to act on that. Having the agency and autonomy to act on that, that to me is not a good idea.
A lot of those children become gay or lesbian without medical intervention. A lot of their feelings of isolation or weirdness or depression or whatever end up being corrected through puberty. This is not—you know this is a reality, but we're afraid to have these discussions because there's so many people that don't want to be called transphobic or whatever, homophobic. And then there's the people that really don't care on the other side that are like “burn them at stake,” who wanna make America Saudi Arabia with more pork. But neither one of those is the, is the solution. 
The solution is actually a country, that as Alex Jones—who I think by the way is becoming one of the most reasonable people in America, sorry, it’s 2023 and he is—his idea of like when you are 18, you are an adult, you should be able to do what you want, within reason, if it doesn't hurt anybody else—is a pretty fucking good standard. 
And listen, if you have severe gender dysphoria and you're 16 or 17, you meet with a doctor, I don't think these things should be banned, but how young these ideas are being introduced to people and this idea that they can and should take me[dicine]—and we all feel a little weird about the parents too. The mom who's like, “I'm trans and my kids are trans.” “I'm non-binary and my kids are non-binary.” And you go, well what are the chances of that? What are the chances of that? That seems interesting. “I come from a long line of non-binary pe[ople]”—it’s like, really? 
So there is a little something that's inherently uncomfortable with this gender theory stuff where the mom is going, “well the kid is also trans” and you're going, are they, or is this something that you introduced to them at an age where they have no idea what it is? And God forbid they make genuine, you know, decisions that can impact them later in life? It seems crazy. It's because it's not enough anymore. It's not just gay people getting married, gay people—it’s, here are the new standards. Men and women are out. Rewrite the biology textbook. 
Can we watch the thing about getting the spike? Women's sports are gonna be completely dominated by by trans men. It's like, it's not enough now. It's just, it used to be live and let live. It's no longer that. It's now, this is in intrusive into people in every space and athletics and education. People are kind of just going, Hey man, I'm a little sick of this. This Riley Gaines girl tweeted, it was a dude, I think it was a trans woman who spikes a volleyball into this woman's face. 
This [video of the volleyball incident] is insane. This is completely insane, right? A biological male has so many advantages that—and then just—you know, it's just not, this doesn't, and then they go, “well we don't wanna ostracize transgender people from sports.” And you go, “I understand that, but it doesn't seem to be going the other way. It seems to be primarily biological men dominating women.”
You know, like that seems to be what it is. It's not like biological women are getting into men's sports and like, fucking it up. It seems to be moving one way, which might say something about biology. I don't know. Let's watch it one more time.
Listen, I’m not, I'm saying that this is not right. I don't think that biological men should be just dominating women's sports. She does seem like she's turning it up a little bit—she’s like, “I suffer from a lot of things from this”—but it's crazy. It's crazy that this is where we're at now. I mean that is crazy to watch. And in fighting it's crazy to watch when you have biological men just pummeling women in the ring. And I'm for hitting women! In your own home. But not in, not in athletics, not when it counts, not when there are judges. I'm for it in your own home. for any and all live dates that we have coming up.

Bodies in a Lake - April 20, 2023 (Patreon only)

But Addison Rae, I'll tell you, because she is so attractive. Sometimes you're around a woman, even as a gay person, you go, this is—I get this. I get it. I'm around so many loud squawking beasts of women, you know, you know, some of them are necessary, but I'm around so many just, I mean, ugh, God, you're just like, "Enough," that inevitably you just go suck a cock.
But a woman like Addison is very pretty and feminine and sweet and charming, and you know, you do—I understand it. I get it. I get it. I get heterosexuality. Some of these women out here, not all of them, I'm not trying to offend anybody, but some of these women out here are just castrating women.
Their voices are like the sound of a tree being chopped down. I mean, it's hard. It's hard. I have friends where some of their wives, I'm like, Jesus Christ, what happened? Because they're very masculine. I've had a cold for three weeks. But these women are very masculine, to be honest with you. And it's very disturbing to me, and it's very disturbing to many others how masculine some of the women have gotten.
And I think that, listen, you know, it's something, I don't want to talk out of turn here. But it is something where the, the masculinity of some of the women that are out right now, some of the women that are out, some of the new models, and I don't mean the lezzies, the tr—y boom-bannies, I don't mean any of that. I mean, the straight-up heterosexual, fluoride water-drinking ladies. Some of them, the masculinity is absurd.
It's absurd now. So it is nice to see a feminine woman. I mean, is this okay to say? Can I say this and not be in trouble? Can I say it's nice to see an attractive woman who is—is this okay to say, I don't know if I'm allowed to say this anymore. I know that I can, and I'm not trying to do that thing where I'm like, "what, are you gonna cancel me?"
But I mean, in polite society, can you even use these words? Because I know some of my friends are married to castrating, incredibly manly women that are destroying their lives. And that's maybe because some of my friends are, they cannot provide and they cannot make any money. So they themselves have to link up with some of these beasts.
And there's something about me that, and this is why people call me right-wing or whatever they want to call me. And I don't know why they do it. The only thing that makes me right-wing, and I've said this before, is my words and actions. Without them, you have no case. You have no case without my words.
But what makes me right-wing is like, don't you want—can't someone act like a mother every now and then? Can't someone act like a mother? I am trying to be diplomatic here as I phrase this, but like, would it be okay if there's a little tenderness in the bosom of some of the women out there? And everything is not like, they're all not demons from hell?

The Art of Happiness - April 8, 2023

What age do children need to learn certain things? And once those children have learned those things, what age is it appropriate for those children to make medical decisions about their future and their life? And that's really the, the point that has become incredibly divisive. Right? Let, let's leave out for a second the drag queen story hour, which we've, we've talked about before on the show. And that seems to be the, you know, the, the cultural battleground of the day, the drag queens reading in the library. But, but the, the deeper issue, the more important issue is can a seven year old make a decision about who they are at that age? 
I say no, most people I know say no. The most gay people I know say no to that. Most reasonable, rational, sane people say that when you're under 18, you're gonna go through all kinds of weird feelings and you're gonna have hormones raging and you're not gonna know exactly what direction you want to go. Many of the people that don't end up transitioning, that have feelings like this end, up being gay or lesbian. And it's strange. It's an, it's an odd fixation with bringing these issues to children and letting children make decisions about who they are. 
Doesn't make any sense. If you've ever met children, this makes zero sense that teachers in schools are telling children, you could be any gender that you want to be today. That is not a conversation for math class. I have friends that are more liberal on this issue, they're more progressive and they say, well, there are such a thing as trans kids. And I say, well, I believe that to be true, of course. But I still think, I don't know if they should be blocking puberty, they should be taking pharmaceutical drugs, they should be denying themselves the opportunity to go through puberty and see if any of that changes or alters the way they feel about their gender. 
There's always a way to correct things later in life. I know people that have transitioned in their early twenties and they're living lives and they're happy. So I think that's what it, it comes down to, it comes down to kids and children. You know, for most people, listen, there's people that hate trans people. There's people that don't want trans people around or to, there's people that are gonna hate everybody. There's people that hate everybody no matter what. You can fixate on those people.
But the vast majority of people don't care. They don’t. They just don't want children being introduced to certain ideas before those children are ready for it. That's what most people, most people do not care. They're not sitting around hating you if you're gay, they're not sitting around hating you if you're trans. They, they don't really have the time. This is not a country that like, you know, people don't have the time to be as hateful as maybe they'd want to be. They don't have the time. They're running around.
They just don't want children being exposed to certain things. 'Cause children are very confused—by their nature, their kids, they're easily, it's easy for any—some of these parents with the trans kids, I have a real, I have a soft spot for. But then some of them, and I'll get in a little bit of trouble for saying this, but most people will understand what I'm saying. Some of the parents, it's a little like a Munchausen’s by proxy, where it's like they are taking a lot of interest in this thing that their kids are feeling. 
And it almost feels like the parent is somehow deriving some type of—and Munchausen’s is where you make your kids sick. And I'm not saying being trans is being sick, but I'm saying a lot of these parents are being very encouraging to their children and maybe steering them knowingly or unknowingly into being, into being trans, perhaps, because parents are sometimes—you know, I had friends that their parents were very encouraging and trying to help them a lot. And what it did was the opposite of what they wanted it to do. And I don't mean that you should, if your kid has these feelings, you shouldn't shut them down. But I don't know if you should parade your kid around like a political statement. 
And I see some parents doing that and I wonder about the health, the mental health of those parents that are parading their children around like a political statement instead of a human being. That doesn't make any sense to me. That's a little weird. 
And as far as the sports thing goes, it's so hard for me to come up with an opinion here that like, is anti-hitting women—because sometimes they do need a tap. But it seems in combat sports specifically, biological men have a little bit of an advantage even after they've transitioned. So watching them beat women, although there may be reasons—not to ever beat a woman, but to give her a, like a 1920s-style tap, just a light one—it’s a comedy show—but the point is, what I'm saying is that  it is very difficult for me to just have to say we really shouldn't just hit, we should just not hit women. But I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna say it. We shouldn't hit women. 
So I don't, again, if you wanna compete in those things, but the reality of this situation is also if you're like a female athlete and every female sport is now dominated by a trans female athlete, there is a, there is a conversation to be had. 
The good news is all of these things can be solved by common sense and rationality. And then we can go back to talking about the banks failing the nuclear war and things that I consider to be more important. Because I think there is a rational, reasonable, I don't wanna say middle ground, because I, you know, the word middle ground implies that like, there has to be some great compromise made. I don't think there has to be any compromise made. I think that people should—listen, if you bring your children to drag queen story hour, they're your children, they’re your children. If you bring your children to get hormones, they're your children. 
I don’t—I think you're doing them a great disservice. And there are certain states that are gonna ban that. And there are certain states that won't. But, you know, there are families and there are people that are gonna have kids and they're gonna raise them in, in whichever way they see fit. I just think the whole thing, cause I was thinking about this sitting on a plane a minute—trans, everything is trans. And then you look around and you're like, where are all the trans men? And there's, there's, there's a, there's a few of them for sure, but they're not everywhere. This is a small group. 
This is a minority of people that should be protected with rights. Like they should have rights. And obviously people that fuck with them should go to jail. Like people that fuck with any group or anyone in general should go to jail. But it's such a big issue and it so dominates everything. And I'm like, this bitch JK Rowling wrote a book called Harry Potter, which Christian people were saying was a devil book. And you know, George W. Bush was like, she's promoting witchcraft, and all these crazy things, right? And so she got like that fucking feedback when Harry Potter came out. And then she made a billion dollars and she's got theme parts all over the world. And then just basically said, "listen, women, you know, have the right to have spaces that are their own." 
And then people just went fucking nuts. They went nuts. And I'm not saying that on the other side, that the people don't overdo it, right? Because they, you know, the people that are obsessed with it on the other side who think that it's all about people trying to fuck their kids, or it's all about this and that, and we need to go back to a Christian theocracy, that’s not gonna win a lot of people over either. But the, because I don't think it's, I don't think it's all these teachers are pedophiles. I think these teachers are completely untethered from reality. And when people are untethered from reality, as many of them are, they push all of these ideological agendas that are not, that are not practical in any way. 
And, and that's what happens to people that get really into any ideology. They forget that there's an actual world out there with actual human beings that tend to behave in ways that aren't necessarily the ways that you, this ideology that you believe in would prescribe them to behave. And you forget that kids are fucking kids and they're gonna be confused and they're, they're gonna take back things they say and they're gonna go, I don't feel that way anymore. And this and that and the other thing. But they're so wrapped up in the idea that there's, there's a political thing here that these kids have to be themself and “stop trans genocide.” It's like, every discussion about trans rights cannot, cannot devolve into people screaming “stop trans genocide.”
But anybody who's fucking 13 or 14 years old, who has no idea what's going on, that may be being influenced by their friends or whatever, you know, this is not somebody who should be making permanent medical decisions about the rest of their life. This is not a, to me this isn't like a controversial point of view. 
I know there's a gray area. I know there's kids that have legitimate real deal gender dysphoria. There are a few of them. Absolutely. It's not as many as you would think. And that can be dealt with, with, with doctors and, and therapists. And I still don't think even those kids should be making medical decisions. But that could maybe be a lot of, like, you could be dressing a certain way, you could be doing some cognitive behavioral therapy. There's all kinds of ways to handle it where it's not like, Hey, let's get fucking Big Pharma involved in giving everybody the solution to everything. 
And a lot of people that take these drugs, I mean, if you watch this to think about the Tavistock clinic in the UK, a lot of people that take these drugs aren't happier on the other side of that because maybe there is a certain amount of people that are, are experiencing mental issues that are on the autism spectrum that are not, they don't genuinely have gender dysphoria. 
They're having weird feelings and they're looking around on the internet and going, I wonder what this is. And they're matching up some of those feelings with some of the things that people have that have gender dysphoria and they're putting them together. And now they're going, okay, if I transition medically, it's gonna help me. And then they do that, and then they don't feel the way they want it to feel, you know? So again, this is just, it always amazes me how much this is dominated, the discourse. And now the, the, the the, the answer to me is just so easy and it, it is, it is less is more. Helicopter parenting I don't think is a good idea. I believe in the less is more system. 
I think maybe we should return to letting kids be kids and letting them go through some shit and not taking everything they do seriously. Not bringing them to a doctor, not doing anything permanent to their body, letting them figure this shit out on their own. I truly believe it is the one area where the boomers were far superior to the parents we have now that it feels like they're just hanging on every word. They're 12 or 13 year old says it's just not, it's just not a reality. 
So anyway, for tickets. We are on the road till mid-June. We're in Chicago, we're in San Francisco, we're in Milwaukee, we're in some cool places. We'll see everybody else in the fall. 

Bridge to Schizophrenia - November 2, 2022 (Patreon-only)

Dillon: This gender dysphoria thing. Here's the way I feel. Is a one-year-old too soon to really—well, let me finish. Is a 1-year-old too young to change their gender?
Christina Pazsitzky: No, of course not. Well, lemme tell you something. My 4-year-old wanted me to paint his nails pink. I've been giving him drugs to transition.
Dillon: A hundred percent. A hundred percent.
Pazsitzky: You can't start early enough.
Dillon: Yes. I think that we will get to a point where people will go, I just know my fetus is transgender. I just know it. I can just feel it. And I mean, maybe we should go through the birthing process, but like, can we start sooner? It's weird to me, man. I've always been a like, "leave kids alone" guy. Let them fucking develop. They'll figure it out. We grew up that 90s life kind of latchkey kid. This whole idea of the adult obsession with what children are doing—
Pazsitzky: It's so pervert—I agree.
Dillon: It's perverted, it's fucking weird. And get them off social media too, by the way. As much as you can, if your kids are fucking 11, they don't need to be on fucking social media like that. Learning from crazy people.
Pazsitzky: Oh, you know what's, I'm working on a bit now, how even like in the nineties, we were so blessed that we could be weirdos in private. Like, I dressed like Robert Smith from The Cure for like seven years.
Dillon: Right.
Pazsitzky: Was I transgender? Should I have been transitioned? I don't wanna have a dick. 
Dillon: It's also also behind all this, nobody wants to—the pharmaceutical industry, the billion and trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry are going, "Oh yeah. Drugs, drugs, hormones, drugs, drugs. Everything's a drug. Everything's drugs. More drugs. Attention deficit? Drugs. Depression? Drugs. Anxiety? Drugs. Eat too much? Drugs. Eat too little? Drugs. Feel like a girl one day? Drugs. Feel like a boy one day? Drugs. Don't know if you feel like either? Feel like neither one of them? Drugs. Just take this. And nobody, nobody—these are the people that sold us Oxycontin and heroin. And nobody wants to maybe take a second look at this.

On Andrew Tate:

Trafficked or just Quiet? - December 30, 2022 (Patreon only)

We waited a day to do this episode because we wanted to talk about Tate a little bit, and we wanted to figure out what was happening, right? Because it's like a weird, everyone's got a knee jerk reaction on every side of it. Tate, if you're not aware, Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan, who by the way, regardless of the findings of this inquiry or the trial, were personally lovely to me, truly lovely to me and the producer. That doesn't mean that I don't know if they're innocent. I would like to believe they are. I hope the finding is that he is innocent. 
And I don't know, I've only been to Eastern Europe one time, but if you can explain to me the difference between a regular woman, a regular Eastern European woman, and one who's been trafficked, I'd love to hear it because they don't talk and they don't make eye contact. So I don't know who's who. I don't know what's what. And that's my own little thing. It's not, but he got detained. This is the verbiage they're using in Romania. He was detained, he was released suspicion of human trafficking and rape.
Supposedly there are six women, people, women that are coming forward alleging that they were made to perform sexual activities on the internet. And the Tates made money off that, and that they were forced to live in this compound and perform these activities at the threat or under the threat of violence. This is what the complaint, criminal complaint alleges, whatever. 
And again, it's one of those things where I haven't seen evidence of it. I haven't seen evidence that it didn't happen. I'm a world away in America. I visited Andrew Tate's home. It did not seem like anybody was being held against their will. It was a couple of Eastern European chicks, which again, this is not, you know what I mean? It's just were they trafficking? I don't know. I mean, they didn't see, it's just they weren't full of life. They weren't like, Hey, where are you from? But could have been a language thing, could have been a cultural thing that you don't just start popping off and saying whatever. 
But they were very hospitable to me in Romania while I was performing at a Bitcoin event or for a Bitcoin oligarch's birthday party. I was bombing for 20 minutes because no one spoke English. But the Tates were very kind to me. So it's a bummer. Hey, it's a bummer hearing about the human trafficking allegations. It is a bummer, but I wanted to gather my thoughts on it because I'm like, wait a minute, hold on. Is anything real?
There was a Tucker, there was an interview from Tucker Carlson, which everybody was claiming was current, but it is not. It's old. And the old interview was Andrew saying, I had been swatted by people claiming that there was an American here that was being held against her will. And of course, the cops followed up on that, and the cops were like, that does not seem to be the case. And Andrew had no charges brought.
The Washington Post this morning says that he is being charged. I don't know. I don't know. The Washington Post has been wrong. It's difficult to have a solid opinion other than human trafficking is wrong, and you should not do it. You shouldn't do it, and you shouldn't be involved in it. And I'm against it in all of its forms. 
But if it's somewhere in the middle where let's say they were running some type of cam girl business, which they were, they've been open about that. They ran cam girls, they ran a house of cam girls, and that's not illegal. It would be the fact that those women couldn't leave that. It's, but I always like to break things down logically. I go, why not just get women who are willing to do it? Why would they get women? Why would you complicate your life by having these women be constantly trying to escape and miserable?
And then you—now, I never thought of Andrew Tate was some great moral paragon. That's the people that are crazy that look at him as a cult hero. Some of what he says is clearly interesting, and some of it has value, and some of it's funny, and some of it, it's like anything else that some, somebody talks for hours and hours and hours and hours. 
You can isolate things and go, that makes sense. And that's crazy and that's funny, and that's, but this idea that he's a great moral figure. I mean, he ran this porn empire. This is by his own admission. But why would you not just have willing, are you telling me you can't find girls that are willing to engage in those activities in Romania? You're telling me in Romania you're not able to find, you could take an ad out in the paper. Are you saying you have to resort to human trafficking girls in Eastern Europe, that there's nobody that's willing to do that to make some money?
That's hard to believe. Why would you, and I'm just, again, I'm looking at it logically. Why would you complicate your life if you're running a cam girl porn empire in Romania, in Bucharest or Voluntaria, wherever they live, fucking, where Dracula is from. 
But why would you not just have willing participants, why increase the likelihood that you are going to get in trouble that you are going to get here? Now listen, there's reasons maybe, maybe somebody would tell me these reasons and go, listen, why did Epstein use, well, those were underage people, but somebody would go, they get off on power. These people are sick, they abuse people. This is what they want to do. The people that are coming to them as clients want to see people abused.
There are probably answers to the questions I am asking. I'm just asking them because I do not run a porn empire in Eastern Europe. So I know how to do a podcast, but I'm unaware of, I would just think at the meeting you'd go, this girl doesn't really want to be here. She's a little more troubled than she's worth. Let's cut her loose and let's get somebody else in. But maybe there's more to it than that. 
Listen, we wish Andrew and Tristan well, we are waiting really for more info, right? I mean, Andrew pisses a lot of people off that are very powerful. I don't know if this is a direct result of that. It doesn't help if he was just a quiet human trafficker in Eastern Europe without all of these opinions, it would probably be better for him if he was just a human trafficker that kept to himself, which is probably a lot of, if he is a human trafficker, the other ones in Romania are like, Hey, man, how about we just keep it down? 
They were very nice to me. Now I know what people who met Ghislaine Maxwell feel because they were like, well, she was lovely to me, Ghislaine was probably actually a lovely, classy person who was not woke and not annoying ever. Ghislaine was not woke, you know that she wasn't annoying, that she was fun, she was never like, have you had too much to drink? Maybe you shouldn't drive. She was never that type of bitch. But yes. Then you found out, oh fuck, she's a human trafficker. God damn it. Are they the most fun? Is that what we're figuring out? That the only fun people in the world are human traffickers? It used to be comedians, but the only people you could count on now for a laugh are human traffickers. God, I hope not, but we might be there. Nobody's fun anymore, except the people trafficking humans. 

A Loyal Friend - December 31, 2022 (removed from YouTube)

Andrew Tate has been arrested in Romania, and he's being detained for 30 days. I went to Romania, I went to Bucharest to do a gig for a Bitcoin guy who had paid me a good sum of money to perform at his birthday party. The party was extravagant, there was a fireworks display. Many of the people at the party did not speak English. It made a difficult crowd for a comedian. But the check cleared, they were hospitable to me. But I had to spend, you know, two or three days in Bucharest, Romania. And the only person to interview in Bucharest, Romania was Andrew Tate, who was a lovely man to me and my producer. 
He was a delightful character. This is true. I love anyone that shows up in a Rolls-Royce, who puts me in a Rolls-Royce. I mean, you know, and some of the women with him, I don't know what was going on. They seemed quiet, and I thought they were just quiet. You know, it was, which is a little, you know, to be honest, coming from America, it's a nice change of pace that the women were a little quiet, that they were more reserved.
We went to a steakhouse. We had a great meal with Andrew and Tristan. There was no evidence of human trafficking besides, you know, the women who were a little quiet and kind of looked at the floor and didn't speak. But again, it's Eastern Europe. So I think that's cultural. I didn't, you know, I didn't think anything of it. And I still don't really, I mean, there's gotta be a trial here. Things have to be proven. Tate and his brother Tristan were detained by Romanian Police. Prosecutors say they're suspects in a human trafficking investigation. “Crime ring allegedly forced women into performing porn for sale online.”
Well, this is what the people are alleging. They're alleging that there are victims, and I believe there are six victims from what I read. And these victims were, Lord, they call it like a lover boy scheme, where you pretend that you love them, you pretend to want to be their boyfriend. And then when they get to your house, you go, okay, now you have to perform sex acts for the internet, which is, it's a bait and switch. I call it a bait and switch. I'm from the financial world, so I call it a bait and switch, where you come to someone's home imagining that you are going to be in a relationship with them. And they say, yeah, yeah, that's all fine and good, but what you're really here to do is fuck people on webcam so that we can make a couple of dollars. 
And it's a bait and switch. And they call it a lover boy scheme. I call it the old bait and switch. And apparently they did this to some of the women that were there. Women, they had catfished these women, or not really catfished, I think they admitted who they were, but they said, we love you, or we like you, we want you to come here. It'll be so much fun, we’ll show you where Dracula lived. I don't know, I don't know what the, you know, the hook was, but these women showed up and then the women claimed they were quote sexually exploited, forced to perform pornographic acts, intended to be posted on social media platforms. According to Romanian officials. Yes. Six victims. 
That they were put under constant surveillance, right? That supposedly these guys had them under constant—it seems like a lot of work. You know, I said this before, cuz they did admit to running a webcam business. They did admit to this. This is something that they've talked about, right? It's a lot of work. That it is—I mean, you would think you would just find women that were into this, instead of having to traffic them and deal with them and keep them under constant surveillance. 
But who knows? I'm sure that there are reasons for that as well. You know, people get off on power and abusing others and, you know. And then also they're being accused of rape by one of these people, or several of them are saying that they were raped at this compound. 
So it's, it's one of those things where I don’t—I withhold judgment because I don't know all of the facts, you know? And I have to believe that number one, Tate has angered some very high profile people, and he's been a controversial figure. And I'm sure that people in Romania are not happy with that. And I'm sure that the heat he's bringing on Romania is not something they like. 
And I'm sure there's a culture in Romania of crime that he, by just existing and by Romania getting more attention now than it's ever had, there's a culture of quiet corruption that they would like to keep quiet. And when he's on his show talking about, oh, this is how it works. You pay people off, you pay off officials, you do this, you do that. I'm sure that there's people there that do not like him. And you know, I'm not intimately familiar with these charges. He's tweeting right now, “God is on our side so the matrix will not win, inshallah.” He's a Muslim now. “It appears the insanity of the ruling elite is exposed worldwide now. They have one command. Do not speak out, behave a sheep.” 
So here's the way this will work. The people that support him, no matter what, are going to support him no matter what, they're not really gonna care. If 300 women came out and say we were Cosby drugged and raped, people that support him are gonna go, they're agents of the Matrix, they're liars, it doesn't matter. And the people that hate him and the things he says are going to believe he is a rapist no matter what. Even if it is not proven, even if some of these victims, their credibility is called into question. Very few people are looking at this as I am genuinely with an open mind going, like, I don't want this to be true because I don't want anybody to be a human trafficker. 

On Immigration:

Price of Poison - January 27, 2024

[Discussing images of mounted Border Patrol chasing migrants with whips:]

But these are people that are enforcing the law in the way it has been enforced forever. Whipping and wrangling. And this is what's going on in Texas. You have people out there, because the people are coming in illegally and they're breaking a law. Listen, whether you like it or not, that's what's happening. And then the sheriffs in Texas, or the border patrol, I don't know who these people are, I don't know who it is. Walker, Texas Ranger. I don't know. But they're rangers. These are real live Texas law enforcement. And they're on horseback and they're doing what they do. And it looks terrible to people that are living, like, people in New York City, they read the New York Times, they open it and go "Oh my, do you see what they're doing in Texas? They're whipping the Mexicans in Texas that are coming over the border.”
How else? And I'm not saying that we should whip people, but there's gotta be some enforcement of the border. And it is Texas. You get what I mean? I don't know what they can do. They're on a horse. They could pull out a gun and shoot the people. No one would like that. No one's gonna be happy with that. YouTube's not even happy I just said it. I guarantee you they're not even happy with that. These freaks in Venice aren't even happy with that I said it. But I'm not—but what would they do? They're on a horse. What are they going to do? 
So the benefits to the rich of immigration are a ton. It is actually the middle class and the lower class that bear the brunt of the negative impacts of immigration. Those are the people who are more likely to deal with some of the negative. They have increased competition for work. The state and local resources are being drained by just too many people. They are dealing with crowded hospitals, crowded schools. They're potentially dealing with an uptick in crime. Not to say that all the immigrants are criminals, but there are people that come to this country. They don't have skills. And some of those people inevitably are going to have to make money, have to make some type of living illegally, like many of our own citizens make a living illegally.
The biggest issue is going to be the mass migration of people from one area to another. That could be due to political instability, economic conditions, climate change. All the political upheaval in Europe and America is all directly related to this singular issue that countries cannot take an unending stream of immigrants without some type of backlash from the citizens that live in those countries. This is a fact. People tend to like their countries. They tend to like the way things are. That doesn't make them racist, doesn't make them Nazis. They just like familiarity. They like tradition. They like things the way they are. So the United States has already taken in over a hundred million immigrants in the last, you know, a hundred years. There's no other country that's absorbed more people from more different cultures than the United States of America.
But we have a lot of problems. Everyone knows it. We've got wealth inequality. Okay? We've got a small, you know, a concentration of wealth in smaller and smaller hands. We have automation and AI disrupting work. We have a tremendous amount of debt from foolhardy wars we shouldn't have fought. We're maintaining a very expensive empire all around the world. You know, at a certain point you have to wonder about the amount of people that you can just bring in. This is just a fact. This is not—I love different cultures. I come from New York City. I don't care. I don't want to live in a white ethnostate. It has no appeal to me. I don't care. I think, though, that you have to do it in a way that makes people understand the cost-benefit analysis of what's happening.

The Joe Rogan Experience #2077 - December 2023

Dillon: Here's the thing, and I know this is gonna sound horrible, because we're—I think even if Jesus were to come back, he would even say, "Enough with the refugees." We gotta not fuck up the whole world and then take them all in. Like this writer Steve Sailer said, he had a great quote: "Invade the world, invite the world." Can't do it. We can't go around fucking everything up. And then all these people show up and we go, "Well, we owe them." I don't owe them. I didn't do it. I didn't bomb them. "Well, your tax dol—." It's like, we have to stop letting people destabilize all these countries and then let them in. We have floods of refugees here.
Rogan: Why do you think the refugees are coming in from the southern border like they are? Why do you think they're allowing that to happen?
Dillon: It's economic migration. And the reason is that a lot of these business owners and rich people benefit from cheap labor. They want gardeners, they want nannies, they want chefs. They want people doing their nails. They want, if you own—
Rogan: Do you think they've thought of that? And said, "Let's let them in so they can do our nails”?
Dillon: Of course they have. They don't wanna pay American wages. If you can hire someone at $3 an hour or whatever it is, off the books, illegal labor. You know how many construction projects go up with illegal labor? You know how many of these construction projects in Miami, they're building like 20 new towers in Miami with floating bathtubs for Bitcoin criminals. And God only knows, the Paul brothers, and God bless everybody. I like them. But they're building all these big, big towers in Miami. How's that? I'm not doing it. It's illegal labor.
Rogan: Is it really?
Dillon: Oh yeah. Oh yeah.
Rogan: Wow […] So how do you mitigate that? So you think that's literally why they're letting everyone in? You don't think it has anything to do with voting?
Dillon: Yes. It has a lot to do with voting. 
Rogan: It has to do with, allowing people to register to vote—
Dillon: Certain demographics are better for the Democrat party. And we know that. However, Republicans up until recently didn't care that much. 'Cause they thought they could turn Latinos Republican. And some of them will. Some Latinos are Catholics, and they go, "We don't wanna do gender monopoly and gender musical chairs or whatever games they're playing over there. We are gonna stick with." And a lot of Latinos don't vote. So you have a large percentage of people that don't subscribe. They go "The political system's bullshit, who cares?”

Degree of Difficulty - October 14, 2023

I'm gonna be honest. I don't think it's ever gonna work. I don't think it's ever gonna work. I don't know if you bring in all these people from all over the world, into America, that have all these different cultures, some of them are gonna assimilate and respect Western culture, some of them will not. And you're gonna have to deal with that. And they're gonna be chanting "death to this one" and "death to that one." There is just not much you are gonna be able to do if you bring in all of these different cultures with the hope that some of them are going to assimilate. Because cultures have assimilated in the past. That seems to be the hope. But then some of them are gonna chant "Gas the Jews" outside of the Opera House. 
So everybody that says, "Well, if we said one thing about immigration." If people said, "Well, immigration might have some negatives," every person, every celeb, every left shitlib on Twitter was like, “What do you mean, you Nazi scum?" And they were like, "No, everybody comes to these places for the same reason. Because their daughter wants to see Barbie." And then fast forward, some of those people are chanting "Gas the Jews" outside of a opera house. Are they being good Australians? 
It hasn't been a stellar week for multiculturalism. It just hasn't been. It doesn't mean there can't be better weeks. There can be some good weeks. This has not been a great week for multiculturalism. Doesn't mean that it's a completely doomed project. It means that you're just going to live with some level of it not working out quite as well as you thought. It's like a marriage. It's just not gonna work out quite as well as you thought.
Because when you're high and you're just tweeting and you're like, "Everyone's coming to my country to listen to my cunt," which is what all these people thought. Everybody thought everybody was coming here, they wanna see U2 at The Sphere. Just like we do. And then some of them actually just wanted to go and chant "Gas the Jews." That's what some of them wanted to do there. Was that a test when everybody came in? Was there, "What's your idea of a fun Saturday night? Are you a homebody or do you wanna go outside the Opera House and yell ‘Gas the Jews’?”
If you think it's a good idea to keep invading, as Steve Sailer said—you might not like Steve Sailer. Most of you re—ds don't know who he is. Here's the point. The people that would hate me for mentioning his name don't know who he is. Here's the point. If you're gonna continually invade the world and then invite the world, if you're gonna knock over all these countries, prop up all these dictators, the Middle East does cling to some an archaic form of religion, a theocracy.
But a lot of that's because we propped up a lot of these goons to begin with. 'Cause they were doing business with us. So they oppressed their people and kept their mouth shut and they were able to do our bidding and work with our multinational corporations. Iran is a perfect example from that. You look at a progressive country that goes, that turns on a dime and now is a huge problem. An incubator of fundamentalist philosophy.

Nugget Branding - May 13, 2023

I don’t want anyone to die. I don't want any of these people to be mistreated. I just think we cannot continually have this system that we have where the country is flooded with people and there's nowhere to put them. We are using them as a political football. It does not seem humane to do. This country has absorbed a lot of immigrants. We will absorb more. I'm not somebody who believes in no immigrants. What I'm saying is like this is a massive failure of our current government. And anyone looking at this has to say that any fair-minded, honest human being has to really go, yeah, this is not the good system. 
There needs to be a system. And frankly, you know, I think right now American needs to just, you know, it's kind of like when the party's full a little bit. It's like, let's just rock out with who we have right now. Let's not have kids from another 10 schools come in. We are rocking out right now with who we have. We got a lot of people. People are already throwing up. There was two fights, the cops were called once. They were kind of cool about it, but they left. But if we keep bringing in people, there's gonna be more fights. People are gonna get sicker. Someone's gonna break fucking Dennis's mom's fucking lamp that she fucking loves more than her family. And then everybody's gonna start screaming and yelling. 
And then eventually what'll happen in this party is like, there's going to be a group of Nazis in the party who start going to the rest of the party and being like, there's so many fucking people coming in, we can't have any fun anymore. And, and then a lot of people at the party are gonna go, yeah, I know it's kind of a problem, but you are seemingly really crazy. Like, you want me to embrace all these ideas? They're like, yeah, the only way to safeguard this party forever is to come over to our side where it's only white people in the party.
And you go, wait a minute. That doesn't really make any sense. That doesn't make any sense. We like Hispanic people and black people, they make the party funner. And they go, yeah, but there's so many of them. And then you're like, this doesn't make any sense. But then all of a sudden there's like crashing and screaming and then you can't really see what's happening in the party because a smoke machine someone hired is malfunctioning. And you start going, well I know this white guy, maybe this white guy can help me to another room. And then he just leads you and then you get in the room and then there's pictures of Hitler. 
My point is, that's not exactly what I'm trying to say, but it is, it is. Right now we are a country where the party is at max capacity. By adding more people—people are just gonna get disoriented. And disoriented people make bad decisions. They do. And they just start going like, you know, hey, let's like all racially identify, let's identify by races. Which is not true. We should identify by classes, who has more than others. That's the way it's always been. And that's kind of fair. (It’s a Republican show. We had a communist show two shows ago.) But we should, we certainly shouldn't identify by classes or races. We should identify by regions, right? Maybe, no, I don't know. Maybe we should identify by individual merit and behavior. That's interesting. Probably not.

Havana Syndrome - September 26, 2021

[Discussing viral images of mounted Border Patrol chasing migrants with whips:]

They're saying it's necessary. It's good for crowd control. None of the migrants have had Covid tests. So they want to be, you know, I guess if you're on a horse you're kind of six feet away. Right. It's a lot of people in Del Rio and they're here. And the debate is the same debate that we that's been going on for a very long time. How many immigrants can America absorb? What does an American citizen owe to people coming over the border? And how can you maintain a society with all of these questions? 
This is, you know, the same debate and the same argument that we've been having and which would make, you know, if we weren't doing all these things around the world that created the conditions for a lot of this migration, like if we weren't, you know, when people get mad at the Afghan migrant, they're like, “well, now they're going to come here.” Well, yeah, cause we spent 20 years there. But if we weren't doing those things, it would be more clear, like, this debate. But we've been going all over the world, overthrowing governments, creating chaos and creating situations where you have refugees that are then flooding into Europe and the UK and in the US.
It doesn't mean that the people that are concerned about immigration are wrong. I think those concerns are valid. I don't think they're racist. I don't think they're xenophobic. I don't think—certainly some of them are, right? But I think that the main concern of how many immigrants can a country absorb and at what pace is largely economic. And that's really always been the case. To have these, you know, immovable opinions on these things like AOC seems to have, or some people on the right seem to have, don't make any sense to me. 
There are periods of time when you need more immigrants to come in. And then there are periods of time—one might argue a pandemic, skyrocketing wealth, inequality, lots of issues already, a fair amount of immigrants in the country already that haven't been legalized—that during a period like this period, you may not need as many, or you may want to hold off, bringing more in until you figured what's going on. Or you figured out what's a fair process to bring people in. 
But just making that point, has your ready made me a Nazi in the, in the eyes of somebody who says “no, no human is illegal. Borders are inherently racist. We cannot have a country. America as a country is racist. We should give it back to the Native Americans were all on stolen land.” And you go, “what does this mean? What is the plan? How does all of this work?” And then they go, “I'm just going to watch the Met Gala.” And you go, “but you just said a lot, that we're on stolen land and we got to give the country back, but who gives it back first?” And they go, “I'm going to now tweet about the Real Housewives for an hour.” You go, “but wait a minute. What about the country and the stolen land? So you're on stolen land tweeting about the Real Housewives?”
Nobody's serious about any of this. Nick Mullen said once, you know, all these politics are, it's all aesthetic, it's all optics, it’s how I look to the rest of the world. But nobody's serious about any of these things. Just like I don't, I don't know how many people are serious about saying we should never have another immigrant come into America.
Again, that's not realistic either, right? Especially when you have all these baby boomers retire and you're going to need immigrants to come in and be in fields like healthcare. That's going to be a booming and rapidly exposing industry—rapidly expanding industry—and exposing industry, probably, because a lot of those nursing homes will need to be exposed for like beating and robbing the boomers. But this time they'll deserve it. I will put my parents in a nursing home where I know they're going to get roughed up and stolen from. But that's where we're at here. 
But it's that inability to have a logical discussion about any of this. That's just why you, you know, you kind of have to put your head in the sand here, but I mean, just, I would say just, you know, maybe, you know, not with the horses, that's all, it shouldn't look like a scene out of a movie. 

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