You'll Never Guess Who's Going All In on the Right's Latest Racist Conspiracy Theories
"Obviously putting 20,000 Haitians in a small town in Springfield, Ohio is crazy," Shane Gillis said today.

In an episode of Matt and Shane’s Secret Podcast released today, Shane Gillis, Matt McCusker, and War Mode's Bill McCusker gleefully embrace Donald Trump and JD Vance’s racist lies about Haitian immigrants—lies that have already led to very real threats of violence against Haitian communities in Springfield, Ohio, including bomb threats that shut down schools for two days.

The segment comes at the beginning of the episode, as the group jokes that they need to get their reactions to Tuesday’s presidential debate out of their system. As usual, I will present the relevant comments in their entirety; you can also watch the episode here. To wit:
Gillis: She's like, "Even Dick Cheney. We have the great Dick Cheney on our side." It's like, is anyone listening to this?
Bill McCusker: Goldman Sachs and Dick Cheney promote me? It's like, yeah, that's the worst fucking ad you could possibly run for yourself.
Gillis: Whatever. Look, we got that out of our system. Let's start now.
Bill McCusker: I'm pissed off.
Gillis: Obviously, obviously putting 20,000 Haitians in a small town in Springfield, Ohio is crazy.
Bill McCusker: It's a bad idea.
Gillis: That's crazy.
Bill McCusker: And then, dude, that shit's real.
Gillis: All right, we'll start soon. We'll start soon. Let's just get it out.
Bill McCusker: That shit's real.
Gillis: No shit it's real. And she did want gender affirming care for illegal immigrants.
Bill McCusker: And she wanted to take guns when she said she didn't. The other thing that pissed me off is they were fact checking, they were fact checking—
Matt McCusker: Can we start right now?
Gillis: Let's start over, so we're not—
Matt McCusker: Can we please start with gender affirming—
Gillis: Gender affirming care for illegal immigrants is so fucking crazy.
Matt McCusker: Yo, that was so funny.
Bill McCusker: Give to a fucking Juan or some shit.
Gillis: That when he brought it up, people are laughing at him. They're like, what a fucking idiot. It's like, no, that's real.
Bill McCusker: That's what they do. They invert the truth.
Gillis: "It's all good. Everything's fine."
Matt McCusker: Imagine being a stoic Mexican man, dude. You're like five-five, stoic as hell—
Bill McCusker: Dude, I've seen one before.
Matt McCusker: —and you get into this country thinking you're going to live your dreams and they take you in the room and say, "Bro, you're getting tits and a fucking pussy."
Gillis: Yo, you don't think the lads—the lads—some of those lads would be like, "Si, bueno.”
Bill McCusker: When I used to go to the dump, I saw that shit. There was one Mexican dude with monster tits and they would unload the truck next to me.
Gillis: Wait, you saw Kamala's Frankenstein? You saw Kamala's work?
Bill McCusker: Yes. Literally. I'm not kidding. There was one that [Effecting a Mexican accent] transiti-owned and fucking—
Gillis: [Laughing] "Transiti-owned."
Bill McCusker: Dude, it was wild. I would look over and—
Matt McCusker: Where was he again? He was at a trash dump?
Bill McCusker: He was at a trash dump, yeah. Like just bolt-ons, not even trying to get natural looking tits. They were just fucking fake.
Gillis: You saw one of Kamala's abominations.
Bill McCusker: Yes. Yes. One of her misfit toys.
This is all just flatly racist and transphobic. It’s hate speech; I don't see any way around it. Somehow even more disturbing are the comments on McCusker’s own podcast yesterday. As you know, he and War Mode cohost Andrew Pacella are effectively mini Alex Joneses who believe almost every conspiracy known to man. (In their appearance on MSSP just a few days ago, they said they don’t believe in gravity because clouds weigh millions of pounds.) This makes them extremely vigorous messengers for whatever racist line Jones or Trump or whoever else may currently be parroting, usually rendered even more fucked up by their own QAnon-inflected grievances. Note how the following section includes references to Blackrock, Pizzagate, and the Clinton Foundation before winding its way to Great Replacement Theory and echoes of Plandemic hysteria:
McCusker: For some fucking reason this stuff [about Haitian immigrants eating cats] came out and they immediately said it was racist and they said it's not true. Even though there's dudes in Ohio talking about this to Congress and shit or whatever, their town halls.
Pacella: Yeah I mean, I saw those dudes. I don't know how real that is. There's a couple—I could see them trying to start some shit up just to get some dudes outta their local area.
McCusker: What do you mean?
Pacella: I mean, if I was surrounded by Haitians right now.
McCusker: Oh, BlackRock, Yeah.
Pacella: And you gave and you gave me a soapbox. I would say that they're ripping the heads off of ducks, dude. I would get them the fuck outta here.
McCusker: But the thing, the thing that's definitely real—
Pacella: I have a hard enough time with the natives.
McCusker: I know, and you're on stolen land. I recognize that. The thing that's fucking crazy is like, they're definitely shipped in from Haiti and Haiti's fucked up from the earthquake. From the earthquake until now, there's been so, like—if you watch videos of people in Haiti, there's just raw sewage everywhere. Dude, I mean, eating cats is nothing. They're eating each other.
Pacella: And I mean, dude, we've never even scratched the surface of the stealing of the kids in Haiti.
McCusker: Oh my god. Yeah.
Pacella: I mean that's like, that goes so deep.
McCusker: The Clinton Foundation?
Pacella: Not even that. There's just like actual other, there's tons of NGOs that got busted. It's not just Silsby.
McCusker: Yeah. They take all these fucking people. It's very weird that all this stuff goes on and that—
Pacella: Pizzagate's never been debunked.
McCusker: —we go around, another election, and then outta nowhere the Haitians are back. They're using these motherfuckers. Just like, dude, at some point you're gonna have to go hard. There's people on record saying they just bus a bunch up here and they give 'em the most money. They're getting like three Gs a month.
Pacella: I saw an interview like, this is what I'm saying. I don't know how real this shit is. I don't wanna coin any terms, but it's like, I saw an interview with a girl. So they say that there's 64,000 in New York City. You might think in the total—
McCusker: Remember we walked through Hell's Kitchen?
Pacella: Yeah. The grand scheme of things, you might not think that's a lot, but they're probably all in one spot or taking over one apartment building that never got—or fucking commercial real estate. Which is just empty.
McCusker: Yeah, they need to do something with that.
Pacella: They might fill it up with the fucking migrants. But 64,000 is no joke. I don't know if you were there with me when we—I saw the line where they were waiting for food. So it went around the block. So like imagine where like Nick's house is. All the way around the block to a church. And they'll line up to get grub.
McCusker: Maybe they are eating fucking cats.
Pacella: And it's like 64,000 of them in New York alone. And then I saw a interview where a girl's saying she's getting 15 Gs a month. So I could see some dudes hitting town halls and saying whatever the fuck they want.
McCusker: They're going hard as because they're also giving them down payments for houses. 'Cause you need a fucking address to vote.
Pacella: I'm so confused about this shit of—something that Kamala Harris said, if you wanna start a business, you get 50 Gs. I mean, what the f is that, man? That's not even a thing.
McCusker: It's all fucking fake shit.
Pacella: It costs 300 bucks to get an LLC.
McCusker: Five. I don't know. I think they're just doing some weird where they're trying to get as many immigrants in as possible and then push some sort of like bird flu or something, something that's gonna get people inside.
Once again, I don’t know what I can even add here. This stuff is all completely bonkers, it’s racist, it’s disgusting, and there cannot be any question that it has real-world consequences. It seems self-evident to me that sowing the seeds for a pogrom should be a career-ender for anyone who does it, be they politicians or entertainers. And yet here’s Shane Gillis making the second season of Tires for Netflix. And yet here’s Matt McCusker headlining the New York Comedy Festival in November. And yet here are Bill McCusker and Andrew Pacella grossing $45,000/month from their 15,600 members on Patreon, which alongside YouTube is profiting from every single hateful thing these podcasters say.
But at least they’re all so funny.